March 8, 1891
- First Lady Sallie Hogg requests the first wallpaper for the Mansion.
- Hogg is the first native Texan elected governor.
- Internal combustion engine patented.
- Henry Ford completes his first car.
- First full performance of ballet Swan Lake, music by Tchaikovsky.
Governor: James Stephen Hogg
Henry Ford motor car
Image: Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1895
- Utah becomes a state of the US
- William McKinley becomes US President.
- Spanish-American War.
Governor: Charles A. Culberson
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt leads the 1st Volunteer Cavalry in the charge up San Juan Hill during the Spanish American War.
Image: Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1899
- First major redecoration of the Governor’s Mansion by First Lady Lena Sayers.
- Electric lights installed in the Mansion for the first time.
- The Galveston hurricane of 1901 kills an estimated 6,000 and devastates most of the city.
- Boxer Rebellion in China.
- Oil discovered at Spindletop, Texas in 1901.
Governor: Joseph D. Sayers
Around 1900, the streets of Austin were still unpaved
Image Courtesy: PICA08734, Austin History Center, Austin Public Library
March 8, 1903
- The Wright Brothers make the first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, NC.
- Theodore Roosevelt becomes President of the US, 1905.
- The speed limit is set at 20 m.p.h. in Britain.
- O’Henry’s stories published as a book, Cabbages and Kings.
- Russo-Japanese War breaks out in 1904.
- Picasso completes his cubist painting Demoiselles d’Avignon.
Governor: Samuel W. T. Lanham
President Roosevelt taking the oath of office, March 4, 1905.
Image: Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1907- Oklahoma became the 46th state.
- The Chinese Democratic Republic under Sun Yat-sen presented its programs.
- Lyndon B. Johnson born in 1908 (died in 1973).
- Ford produced the first Model “T” and General Motors formed
- Completion of the Robie House, Chicago, by architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Governor: Thomas Mitchell Campbell
Governor’s Mansion, circa 1912
Image Courtesy: CN00952 Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
March 8, 1911
- Colquitt is the first governor of Texas with an automobile.
- The Houston Ship Channel opens.
- Fall of the Manchu Dynasty in China; a republic forms with Sun Yat-sen as president.
- Marie Curie wins the Nobel Prize in chemistry, 1911.
- Arizona and New Mexico become US states.
- Over 1,500 die when the Titantic sinks in 1912.
- Woodrow Wilson becomes the 28th US president.
- The First World War begins in Europe, 1914.
- Major structural addition to the Governor’s Mansion, 1914, includes a modern kitchen, a family dining room, and additional rooms upstairs.
Governor: Oscar Branch Colquitt
Governor and Mrs. Colquitt on the steps of the newly renovated Mansion
Image Courtesy: CN00339 Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
March 8, 1917
- Lt. Governor Hobby sworn in as Governor on Sept. 26, 1917, replacing Ferguson.
- U. S. joins the Allies in World War I, declaring war on Germany, Hungary and Austria.
- Armistice ending the world war signed on November 11, 1918.
- Publication of My Antonia by Willa Cather.
- Ratification of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution banning alcoholic beverages.
- Jack Dempsey becomes the world heavyweight boxing champion.
- US President Woodrow Wilson wins the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919.
- French painter Henri Matisse completes his painting L’Odalisque.
- Edith Wharton’s novel, The Age of Innocence, wins the Pulitzer Prize in 1921.
- Warren G. Harding inaugurated as the 29th president of the US
Governor: William Pettus Hobby
First Lady Willie Hobby and friends with a group of children on the Mansion steps
Image Courtesy: PICA08556, Austin History Center, Austin Public Library
March 8, 1921- American biologist Thomas Morgan postulates the chromosome theory of heredity.
- Publication of The Wasteland, poem by T. S. Eliot.
- Discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt.
- Publication of The Ego and the Id by Sigmund Freud.
- Calvin Coolidge becomes US President after the death of Warren G. Harding.
- Sixteen nations participate in the first Winter Olympics.
- Americans are using an estimated 2.5 million radios.
Governor: Pat M. Neff
March 8, 1925
- “Ma” Ferguson becomes the first woman governor of Texas, the second in the US
- Publication of The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- Founding of the Chrysler Corporation.
- Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan.
- Publication of Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne.
- The opera Turandot, by Puccini, debuts at La Scala in Milan.
- Firing of the first liquid fuel rocket by Robert H. Goddard of the US.
Governor: Miriam A. Ferguson
Texas Rangers with Governor Miriam “Ma” Ferguson
Image Courtesy: Jordan Company, photograph, 1925-01-20/1927-01-17; University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Austin History Center, Austin Public Library.
March 8, 1927
- Charles Lindbergh flies non-stop in Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris.
- Walt Disney presents the first Mickey Mouse films.
- Composer Maurice Ravel completes his orchestral piece Bolero.
- Discovery of the penicillin drug by Alexander Fleming.
- American aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.
- The city Constantinople is renamed Istanbul.
- The US stock market crashes on October 24, 1929.
Governor: Dan Moody
Amelia Earhart
Image: Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1931
- Release of the film Frankenstein, with actor Boris Karloff as the title character.
- Population of the U. S. approximately 122 million.
- Unemployment reaches 13.7 million in the US and over 350,000 in Texas.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the 32nd US President.
- Adolph Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany.
- Opening of the Chicago World’s Fair.
Governor: Ross S. Sterling
Chicago World’s Fair Poster
Image: Everett Historical / Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1933
- Historic American Buildings Survey photographs the Mansion and grounds.
- The US goes off the gold standard for its currency.
- Repeal of the Prohibition amendment to the US Constitution
- Frank Capra directs Academy Award winner It Happened One Night with Clark Gable.
- Current popular songs in the US include Blue Moon and All Through the Night.
- Plebiscite in Germany favors Hitler as Fuhrer.
- Debut of Gershwin’s opera, Porgy and Bess.
- Iran becomes the new name for Persia.
Governor: Miriam A. Ferguson
Celebrating repeal of prohibition
Image: Shutterstock.com
March 8, 1935
- Birth of Sam Houston Allred, second governor’s child born in the Mansion.
- First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt visits the Mansion during a trip to Austin.
- U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Social Security Act.
- Neville Chamberlin takes office as Prime Minister of Great Britain.
- Disney releases the animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- Patent for nylon obtained for the American chemical company, du Pont.
- Japan installs a puppet government for China in Nanking, controls several major cities.
- Germany invades Austria.
- American author Pearl S. Buck wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.
- The play Our Town by Thornton Wilder wins the Pulitzer Prize for drama.
Governor: James V. Allred
Conservatory during Governor Allred’s administration
Image Courtesy: PICA06593, Austin History Center, Austin Public Library
- Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New York: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1991. Jean Daniel, Price Daniel and Dorothy Blodgett. The Texas Governor’s Mansion.
- Austin: Texas State Library and Archives Commission and the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, 1984.
- The Governor’s Mansion of Texas: A Tour of Texas’s Most Historic Home. Austin: Friends of the Governor’s Mansion, 1997.