This bedroom was officially named the Pease Bedroom in 1982 during the Clements administration to honor the first occupants of the Governor’s Mansion, Governor Elisha Marshall Pease and First Lady Lucadia Pease. In this bedroom are several pieces that belonged to the Peases, including the two beds, the desk used by the Peases in the Mansion and the portraits. The clock belonged to the descendants of Governor and Mrs. Pease. A copy of the invitation to the first official party, or levee, is in this room. Governor Pease invited all of Austin to the Mansion in August of 1856 while Mrs. Pease was visiting relatives in the east.
- Jean Daniel, Price Daniel and Dorothy Blodgett. The Texas Governor’s Mansion.
Austin: Texas State Library and Archives Commission and the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, 1984.
- The Governor’s Mansion of Texas: A Tour of Texas’s Most Historic Home.
Austin: Friends of the Governor’s Mansion, 1997.